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The Anchorhold



I offer spiritual direction, lead retreats and quiet days, and  also undertake training work in the areas of spirituality, prayer and spiritual direction.


Increasing our awareness of how we relate to ourselves, to other people, to the world around us and to that sense of the Divine - whatever name we may give it - we can take our place within creation and live abundantly as the people we were created to be.  I believe this is about learning to be human: to be able to experience and move through the joys and sorrows, the muddle and mess as well as the glorious beauty and fun of life.


The different aspects of my work all involve walking alongside others in this process of discovery, as I too continue to seek and  learn through our walking together.  I receive regular spiritual direction and supervision myself and am happy to work with those of all faiths and of none.


The influences on my work are many.  To name but a few: the English mystics, St Aelred, St Benedict, Rumi, and nearer our own time, Carl Rogers, Paul Tournier, Belden Lane, Joseph Campbell, Brian Thorne and Bryce Taylor.




I belong to the Annunciation Trust who help to support my ministry.


When undertaking one to one work, I ask for a donation to be made to the Annunciation Trust at a rate suggested by the trustees.  This amount will vary, depending on individual circumstances and can be gift-aided where appropriate.


Charges for group work are negotiable.


For more information about the Annunciation Trust or if you are interested in giving to the Trust to help support my ministry, please contact me for or visit our website.

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