The Anchorhold
Spiritual Direction
At heart, Spiritual direction is about listening to God. It is a one to one relationship that creates space in which through conversation and a deep listening we can become more aware of both the presence and movement of God in our lives and also more aware of what hinders us from living out of that presence more fully.
Responding to the constant call of Christ to 'Come, follow me', and become ever more Christ-like, requires that we keep God at the centre of our life. To keep turned so that we face Christ fully is how I understand the activity of Spiritual Direction. 'Are you turned fully Godwards or are you being distracted? Which direction are you facing in?
The development of prayer will be an important part of these conversations, but all areas of life may be covered as our experience of living - both what we find joyful as well as what we find more difficult - are the real context for listening to God.
Working with me
I work from my home in North Lincolnshire and offer face to face meetings but I am also happy to work on Zoom, FaceTime or whatever platform you may prefer. Increasingly, individuals with whom I work with are using a mixture of both and I am very happy for that to be so.
Our conversations are confidential, ie whatever is said during our time together will not be disclosed to anyone else (with the exception of where legal, moral and professional duties require otherwise)
We would have an initial meeting during which we would explore your hopes and thoughts about spiritual direction and begin to discern whether it may seem right to work together.
Each session lasts about an hour and the frequency of meetings would usually be between eight to twelve weeks depending on what is right for you.
I ask for a donation to be made to the Annunciation Trust. At present, this needs to average £40 - £50 per session. However, some will be able to give more and some less and donations need to be realistic as to what an individual can afford. This can be gift aided where possible.
Background information
I have been offering spiritual direction over the last 30 years and have been involved in leading formation programmes for spiritual direction. More recently I have also been involved in leading programmes for training those involved in the formation of spiritual directors.
I am a member of the Annunciation Trust, who help to support this ministry.
I receive regular supervision and abide by the Retreat Association guidelines for spiritual directors.
If you are interested in exploring working with me then please contact me.