The Anchorhold
The vows
Consecrated Celibacy
‘..Christ in you the hope of glory..’
(Col 1:27)
By defining the central relationship in life as being directed towards God, the vow frees us to discern and live out of the whole of our being. It enables us to learn how to relate to all around us with the totality of ourselves.
This requires a quality of emotional and spiritual engagement and an ability to share something of those inner struggles that characterise our unfolding human nature.
‘..God’s temple is holy and you are that temple..’
Although consecrated celibacy has aspects of sacrifice which must never be minimised, it is a great gift, reminding us that we are temples of the Holy Spirit, places where Christ must be brought to birth.
Opening ourselves to the world, we are available to all, free to love everyone and no-one in particular.
Conversion of Life
‘Come follow me..’
Christ calls us to follow him wherever he may lead us. Responding to his call, we must be ready to give our ‘fiat’ daily and always remain open to the possibility of change. Being ready to respond to the new, requires a constant willingness to ‘let go’.
We are continual travellers, called constantly to journey beyond what is familiar, as we are transformed into the likeness of Christ.
‘..He must grow greater; I must grow smaller..’
This also requires a commitment to total inner transformation, which is attained by confronting all within ourselves that prevents our being open to respond freely. No area of life can be excluded from this ongoing process of discernment.
‘..Do not be conformed to the world. But be transformed by the renewing of your mind,
so that you may discern the will of God..’
(Rom 12:2)
Conversion of life recalls us to the need to live provisionally, in response to the unpredictability of God’s leading, as we take each step along the way.
‘..Foxes have holes and birds of the air have nests, but the Son of Man has nowhere to lay his head..’
(Lk 9:58)
‘renew a steadfast spirit within me…..’
(Ps 51:10)
The vow of stability requires us to remain in touch with our Self, constantly holding before us what God has willed for us. All choices in life must be made in relation to this reality.
‘I hold before you this day a choice…. Choose life…’
(Deut. 30:19)
Stability is achieved through perseverance and endurance, not attempting to evade inner truths however uncomfortable. In so doing, we remain earthed and rooted within this journey – this way and no other – to God.
‘..No-one who puts their hand to the plough and then looks back, is fit for the Kingdom of God..’
(Lk 9:62)
Stability involves attending to whatever this present moment is asking of us, and responding wholeheartedly. In this way the ideal of obedience is lived out.
Stability also includes an awareness of the sacredness of place.
‘How awesome is this place! This is none other than the house of God, and this is the gate of heaven..’
Knowing that God is to be found here, wherever we are now, brings about a unity of purpose and singleness of heart.