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The Anchorhold

Daily Prayer

As a religious I am privileged that life is orientated such that time to engage with the mystery of prayer is the absolute priority. Prayer provides the context for the whole of life.  Periods of private silent prayer are usually undertaken early in the day before engaging with other activities, as well as at other times.  



Silence is essential to the life of prayer.  'Silence' refers to far more than a cessation of noise around and about us, and is certainly more than just not speaking.  These are only aids to reducing inner noise or chatter.  


Silence is about watching and waiting that God’s word may be received.  Silence also reflects the mystery of God; a mystery for which we simply have no words.



The recitation of the Divine office (the 'Opus Dei' - the work of God) forms a structure to the daily prayer, and helps to root personal prayer within the shared experience of the Church.



Taking time to be in the presence of God whilst holding before us the needs of our world and all those for whom we care, is a part of ministry as a religious.  By the allowing ourselves to remain aware of the needs of other people, the horizons of life remain broad.  In this way, solitude cannot be used as a way of escaping from or cushioning the pain of the world.  Solitude should be a way of hearing the cries of humanity more clearly and immersing ourselves in the realty of God.

Bible reading, that is, reading the scriptures devotionally, is another part of the discipline of prayer as is regular spiritual reading.  Engaging with the Bible in this way helps to nourish us as we pay attention to the Word of God. Spiritual reading informs our thinking and deepens our understanding of life.  Both are important ways in which our lives can be both challenged and affirmed. 



In these ways, a stance of openness to God is learned, so that far from prayer being something we 'do', we gradually realise that it is something that God does within us.


'To be human now is the reason we follow the star...' 

W H Auden



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